Dr. Meloy’s publications are available for research and educational purposes only.
Any use of these publications for commercial purposes is prohibited.
- 2025 Pioneering Artificial Intelligence Integration Into Forensic Risk Assessment: Applying ChatGPT-4o to the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol–18 (TRAP-18) Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2025 Going Dark Redux: The 2018 Capital Gazette Mass Murder. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2024 The Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Terrorism and Terrorist Behavior. Matthew Yalch, Max Taylor, Lisa Brown, Ariel Merari, & Bruce Bongar, Eds., Oxford University Press.
- 2024 J. Holzer, J.R. Meloy, E. Corner & E. Drogan, eds. (in press). Mental Health Aspects of High Threat Groups: Extreme Overvalued Beliefs and Targeted Violence. Oxford University Press.
- 2024 J. Holzer, J.R. Meloy, E. Corner & E. Drogan, eds. (in press). Mental Health Aspects of High Threat Groups: Stochastic Terrorism and the Authoritarian Mindset. Oxford University Press.
- 2024 Meloy, J.R. & Amman, M. American Assassins
- 2024 Wallenborn, J. & Meloy, J.R. Psychopathy and personality disorders. In Durns, T. & McDermott, B., eds. Clinical Guide to Cults and Persuasive Leadership
- 2023 The Concept of Last Resort in Threat Assessment Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2023 Going Dark: The Inverse Relationship between Online and On-the-Ground Pre-offence Behaviours in Targeted Attackers The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)
- 2023 The Hanau Terror Attack: Unraveling the Dynamics of Mental Disorder and Extremist Beliefs Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2023 Stalking Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences
- 2023 LARPing and Violent Extremism FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
- 2022 Meloy, J.R. & Holzer, J. Threat assessment: TRAP-18 and application to a lone actor terrorism incident. In: Holzer et al., eds., Lone-Actor Terrorism: An Integrated Framework. Oxford Univ Press.
- 2022 Incitement to Violence and Stochastic Terrorism: Legal, Academic, and Practical Parameters for Researchers and Investigators. Terrorism and Political Violence
- 2022 The Last Psychological Evaluation of Charles Manson: Implications for Personality, Psychopathology, and Ideology. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2022 The Contagion and Copycat Effect in Transnational Far-right Terrorism: An Analysis of Language Evidence Perspectives on Terrorism
- 2022 Envy and Extreme Violence International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
- 2021 TRAP-18 Indicators Validated Through the Forensic Linguistic Analysis of Targeted Violence Manifestos Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2021 Troubled Waters: Domestic Terrorism Threat in the U.S. Coast Guard and the TRAP-18 Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2021 The Emergence and Development of Psychopathy Psychopathy and Criminal Behavior
- 2021 Stochastic Terrorism: A Linguistic and Psychological Analysis Perspectives on Terrorism, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 2021 Time Sequencing the TRAP-18 Indicators Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2021 DSM-5 cultural and personality assessment of extreme overvalued beliefs Aggression and Violent Behavior
- 2020 The PCL–R and Capital Sentencing: A Commentary on “Death Is Different” DeMatteo et al. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
- 2020 Reliability and Validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in the Assessment of Risk for Institutional Violence: A Cautionary Note on DeMatteo et al. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
- 2020 Cognitive‐affective drivers of fixation in threat assessment Behavioral Sciences & the Law
- 2020 The Mass Shooter and His Mental Functioning Psychiatric Times
- 2020 A Preliminary Report of Psychiatric Diagnoses in a Scottish County Sample of Persons of National Security Concern Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2020 Extreme Overvalued Beliefs American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 2020 Assessing the threat of lone-actor terrorism: the reliability and validity of the TRAP-18 Forens Psychiatr Psychol Kriminol
- 2019 Visualizing the relationship among indicators for lone actor terrorist attacks: Multidimensional scaling and the TRAP-18 Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2019 The interplay between antisocial and obsessive- compulsive personality characteristics in cult-like religious groups: A psychodynamic decoding of the DSM-5 International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
- 2019 German Mass Murderers and Their Proximal Warning Behaviors Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2019 Some TRAP-18 Indicators Discriminate Between Terrorist Attackers and Other Subjects of National Security Concern Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2019 The Tamerlan Tsarnaev Case: The Nexus of Psychopathology and Ideology in a Lone Actor Terrorist Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2019 Extreme Overvalued Belief and the Legacy of Carl Wernicke Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 2018 Spiteful and Contemptuous: A New Look at the Emotional Experiences Related to Psychopathy Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
- 2018 Overcoming Resistance in Clinical and Forensic Interviews International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
- 2018 The Timelessness of Propaganda of the Deed Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2018 The Operational Development and Empirical Testing of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) Journal of Personality Assessment
- 2018 Social, Sexual, and Violent Predation: Are Psychopathic Traits Evolutionarily Adaptive? Violence and Gender
- 2018 The Swedish School Attack in Trollhattan. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2018 Sexual Desire, Violent Death, and the True Believer. Contemporary Psychoanalysis
- 2017 Foundations of Threat Assessment and Management. Handbook of Behavioral Criminology (1st ed.)
- 2017 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Violence: Threat Assessment Issues. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2017 Jihad Against the Enemies of Allah: The Berlin Christmas Market Attack from a Threat Assessment Perspective Violence and Gender
- 2017 Lone-actor Terrorism and Impulsivity Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2016 Public Figure Attacks in the United States, 1995-2015 Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2016 The Clinical Threat Assessment of the Lone-Actor Terrorist Psychiatric Clinics of North America
- 2016 The Lone-Actor Terrorist and the TRAP-18. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2016 International Handbook of Threat Assessment. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 2016 Identifying Warning Behaviors of the Individual Terrorist. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
- 2015 The Concept of Identification in Threat Assessment. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2015 The Frankfurt Airport Attack: A Case Study on the Radicalization of a Lone-Actor Terrorist. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2015 Special Section Introduction: Terrorism in Europe. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2015 Stalking Victimization Among Police Officers. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2015 Threat Assessment: Scholars, Operators, Our Past, Our Future. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2015 Investigating the Individual Terrorist in Europe. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2015 The Warning Behaviors of Anders Breivik. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2014 Approaching and Attacking Public Figures: A Contemporary Analysis of Communications and Behavior. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2014 Antisocial Personality Disorder. Gabbard’s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, Fifth Edition
- 2014 Mass Murder and the Violent Paranoid Spectrum. Psychiatric Annals
- 2014 Some Warning Behaviors Discriminate Between School Shooters and Other Students of Concern. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2014 The Seven Myths of Mass Murder. Violence and Gender
- 2014 The Violent True Believer as a “Lone Wolf” – Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Terrorism. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2014 Threats, Approach Behavior, and Violent Recidivism Among Offenders Who Harass Canadian Justice Officials. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- 2013 Psychopathy and the Rorschach: A Response to Wood et al. (2010) Archives of Assessment Psychology
- 2013 Stalking. Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences
- 2013 The Value of Crime Scene and Site Visitation. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2013 Workplace Assessment of Target Violence Risk: The Development and Reliability of the WAVR-21. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2013 Commentary: Stalking by Patients-Psychiatrist’ Tales of Anger, Lust and Ignorance. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 2012 Predatory Violence and Psychopathy. Psychopathy and Law
- 2012 Understanding Violence: Does Psychoanalytic Thinking Matter? Aggression and Violent Behavior
- 2012 Disturbing Communications and Problematic Approaches to the Dutch Royal Family. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology
- 2012 The Role of Warning Behaviors in Threat Assessment: An Exploration and Suggested Typology. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2012 Psychopathy and the Rorschach: A Response to Wood et al. Assessment Psychology
- 2011 A Female Mass Murder. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2011 Predictors of Recidivism by Stalkers: A Nine-year Follow-up of Police Contacts. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2011 Suicide by Cop Among Female Subjects in Officer-Involved Shooting Cases. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2011 The Female Stalker. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2011 Violent True Believers. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
- 2011 The Concept of Leakage in Threat Assessment. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2011 Introduction to this Issue: International Perspectives on Stalking. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2011 The Assassination of the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2011 Attacks on German Public Figures, 1968-2004: Warning Behaviors, Potentially Lethal and Non-lethal Acts, Psychiatric Status, and Motivations. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2011 Approaching and Attacking Public Figures: A Contemporary Analysis of Communications and Behavior. In: Threatening Communications and Behavior: Perspectives on the Pursuit of Public Figures. National Research Council, The National Academies Press
- 2010 A Catathymic Infanticide. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2010 Persistence in Stalking: A Comparision of Associations in General Forensic and Public Figure Samples. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology
- 2010 Review of: Forensic and Medico-legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes and Unusual Sexual Practices. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2010 Stalkers and Harassers of British Royalty: An Exploration of Proxy Behaviours for Violence. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2010 Abnormal Attentions Toward The British Royal Family: Factors Associated With Approach and Escalation. Journal of American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law
- 2010 Identifying and Classifying Juvenile Stalking Behavior. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2010 Hostage and Barricade Incidents Within an Officer-Involved Shooting Sample: Suicide by Cop, Intervention Efficacy, and Descriptive Characteristics. Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations
- 2010 Factors Associated with Escalation and Problematic Approaches Toward Public Figures. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2009 The Fixated and the Pursuit of Public Figures. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology
- 2009 Stalking. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science
e-EFS Encyclopedia at Wiley InterScience
- 2009 Suicide by Cop Among Officer-Involved Shooting Cases. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 2009 Assessing Antisocial and Psychopathic Personalities. Clinical Personality Assessment (edited by James Butcher), 3rd edition, Oxford University Press
- 2009 Stalkers and Harassers of Royalty: The Role of Mental Illness and Motivation. Psychological Medicine
- 2008 The Public Figure Assassin as Terrorist In: Stalking, Threatening, and Attacking Public Figures: A Psychologiccal and Behavioral Analysis. Oxford University Press
- 2008 Psychopathy in a Mixed Gender Sample of Adult Stalkers. J Forensic Sciences
- 2008 Psychopathy and Stalking. Law and Human Behavior
- 2008 A Forensic Investigation of Those Who Stalk Celebrities. Oxford University Press
- 2008 Attacks on the British Royal Family: The Role of Psychotic Illness. J Am Acad Psychiatry and the Law
- 2007 The Application of Affective and Predatory Aggression to Psycholegal Opinions. In R. Browne, ed., Forensic Psychiatry Research Trends
- 2007 The Role of Mental Disorder in Attacks on European Politicians 1990-2004 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
- 2007 The Authority of the Rorschach: An Update. In: C. Gacono, B. Evans, N. Kaiser-Boyd, L. Gacono, eds., The Handbook of Forensic Rorschach Psychology
- 2007 Stalking: The State of the Science. Criminal Behavior and Mental Health
- 2007 Dangerous Cases: When Treatment is Not an Option. In: B. van Luyn, S. Akhtar, J. Livesley, eds., Severe Personality Disorders: Major Issues in Everyday Practice
- 2007 A Psychoanalytic View of Psychopathy. In: A. Felthous & H. Sass, eds., International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the Law
- 2007 Antisocial Personality Disorder. In G. Gabbard, ed., Gabbard’s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, 4th Edition
- 2006 The RECON Typology of Stalking: Reliability and Validity Based Upon a Large Sample of North American Stalkers. J Forensic Sciences
- 2006 The Empirical Basis and Forensic Application of Affective and Predatory Violence. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
- 2006 Characterizing Aggressive Behavior in a Forensic Population. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
- 2005 Validation of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory on a Female Inmate Sample. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2005 The Role of Psychopathy and Sexuality in a Female Serial Killer. J Forensic Sciences
- 2005 Some Thoughts on the Neurobiology of Stalking. J Forensic Sciences
- 2005 Some reflections upon “What’s Wrong with the Rorschach”? J Personality Assessment
- 2004 Introduction to Special Issue on Serial and Mass Homicide. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2004 Indirect Personality Assessment of the Violent True Believer. J Personality Assessment
- 2004 A Research Review of Public Figure Threats, Approaches, Attacks, and Assassinations in the United States. J Forensic Sciences
- 2004 Affective and Predatory Violence: A Bimodal Classification System of Human Aggression and Violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior
- 2004 A Comparative Analysis of North American Adolescent and Adult Mass Murderers. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 2003 When Stalkers Become Violent: The Threat to Public Figures and Private Lives. Psychiatric Annals
- 2003 Psychotic Dream-Related Aggression: A Critical Review and Proposal. Aggression and Violent Behavior
- 2003 Female Stalkers and Their Victims. J Am Academy Psychiatry and the Law
- 2002 The “Polymorphously Perverse” Psychopath: Understanding a Strong Empirical Relationship. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
- 2002 Commentary: Stalking, Threatening and Harassing Behavior by Patients–The Risk Management Response. J Am Academy Psychiatry and the Law
- 2002 Stalking and Violence. In: J. Boon and L. Sheridan, eds., Stalking and Psychosexual Obsession
- 2002 Spousal Homicide and the Subsequent Staging of a Sexual Homicide at a Distant Location. J Forensic Sciences
- 2002 Pathologies of Attachment, Violence, and Criminality. In: Journal of Threat Assessment
- 2002 Human Captivity Experiences. Journal of Threat Assessment
- 2002 Fiery Tongues and Mystical Motivations: Glossolalia in a Forensic Population is Associated with Mania and Religious/Sexual Delusions. J Forensic Sciences
- 2002 Autonomic Arousal in the Presence of Psychopathy: A Survey of Mental Health and Criminal Justice Professionals. Journal of Threat Assessment
- 2001 The Violent True Believer: Homicidal and Suicidal States of Mind. J Threat Assessment
- 2001 Risk Factors for Violence Among Stalkers. J Threat Assessment
- 2001 Offender and Offense Characteristics of a Nonrandom Sample of Adolescent Mass Murderers. J Am Acad Child Adolescent Psychiatry
- 2001 Investigating the Role of Screen Violence in Specific Homicide Cases. J Forensic Sciences
- 2001 Communicated Threats and Violence Toward Public and Private Targets: Discerning Differences Among Those Who Stalk and Attack. J Forensic Sciences
- 2000 The Nature and Dynamics of Sexual Homicide: An Integrative Review. Aggression and Violent Behavior
- 2000 Clinical and Forensic Indicators of “Suicide By Cop”. J Forensic Sciences
- 2000 Rorschach Comparison of Psychopaths, Sexual Homicide Perpetrators, and Nonviolent Pedophiles. Journal of Clinical Psychology
- 2000 A Replication Study of Obsessional Followers and Offenders with Mental Disorders. J Forensic Sciences
- 2000 A Cross-Cultural Review of Sudden Mass Assault by a Single Individual in the Oriental and Occidental Cultures. J Forensic Sciences
- 2000 Book Review J Forensic Psychiatry
- 1999 Custody disputes involving domestic violence: Making children’s needs a priority Juvenile and Family Court Journal
- 1999 Stalking: An Old Behavior, a New Crime. Psychiatric Clinics of North America
- 1999 Serial Murder of Six Victims by an African-American Male. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 1999 Sadism and Psychopathy in Violent and Sexually Violent Offenders. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 1999. Offender and Offense Characteristics of a Nonrandom Sample of Mass Murderers. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 1999 Erotomania, Triangulation, and Homicide. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 1999 Assaultive Eye Injury and Enucleation. J Am Academy Psychiatry and the Law
- 1998 Reduced Prefrontal and Increased Subcortical Brain Functioning Assessed Using Positron Emission Tomography in Affective and Predatory Murderers. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
- 1998 Bombing and Psychopathy: An Integrative Review. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 1997 The Clinical Risk Management of Stalking. American Journal of Psychotherapy
- 1997 Above the Law: Escapees from a Maximum Security Forensic Hospital and Psychopathy. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 1997 The Psychology of Wickedness: Psychopathy and Sadism. Psychiatric Annals
- 1997 Predatory Violence during Mass Murder. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 1997 Domestic Protection Orders and the Prediction of Subsequent Criminality and Violence toward Protectees. Psychotherapy
- 1997 The Authority of the Rorschach: Legal Citations During the Past Fifty Years. J Personality Assessment
- 1997 A Comparative Study of Psychotic and Non-psychotic Stalking. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 1996 Stalking (Obsessional Following): A Review of Some Preliminary Studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior
- 1996 Pseudonecrophilia Following Spousal Homicide. J Forensic Sciences
- 1996 Orestes in Southern California: A Forensic Case of Matricide. Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1995 Detection of malingering in competency to stand trial evaluations. Law and Human Behavior
- 1995 A Demographic and Clinical Comparison of Obsessional Followers and Mentally Disordered Offenders. American Journal of Psychiatry
- 1995 A Clinical Investigation of Malingering and Psychopathy in Hospitalized Insanity Acquittees. American Academy of Psychiatry Law
- 1994 A Rorschach Investigation of Sexual Homicide. Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1994 A Neurotic Criminal: “I’ve Learned my Lesson…” Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1994 Stalking and Immigration. J Forensic Sciences
- 1994 A Case Study of Spousal Homicide and Delusional Misidentification Syndromes. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 1993 A Borderline Psychopath: “I was Basically Maladjusted…” Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1992 Voluntary Intoxication and the Insanity Defense. Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1992 The Rorschach and DSM-IIIR Antisocial Personality: A Tribute to Robert Lindner. Journal of Clinical Psychology
- 1992 Revisiting the Rorschach of Sirhan Sirhan. Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1992 Rorschach testimony. Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1992 A Psychotic (Sexual) Psychopath: “I just had a violent thought…” Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1992 Object Relations, Defensive Operations, and Affective States in Borderline, Narcissistic, and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1992 A Rorschach Study of Attachment and Anxiety in Inpatient Conduct Disordered and Dysthymic Adolescents. Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1992 The Aggression Response and The Rorschach. Journal of Clinical Psychology
- 1991 A Psychoanalytic View of the Comprehensive System “Special Scores.” Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1991 The Decision to Criminally Prosecute the Psychiatric Patient. American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry
- 1990 A Rorschach Investigation of Narcissism and Hysteria in Antisocial Personality. Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1990 A Review of the Psychopathic Mind: Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment. J Forensic Sciences
- 1990 Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool. Journal of Forensic Sciences
- 1990 Neuropsychological Deficits and Violent Behavior in Incarerated Schizophrenics. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
- 1989 Unrequited Love and the Wish to Kill: the diagnosis and treatment of borderline erotomania. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
- 1989 The Forensic Interview. In: Clinical and Diagnostic Interviewing
- 1989 A Comparative Clinical Investigation of the MMPI “Charlie” and “How” Subtypes. Journal of Personality Assessment
- 1989 Juvenile Homicide. The Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1989 Serial Murder: A Four-Book Review. The Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1988 Violent and Homicidal Behavior in Primitive Mental States. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis
- 1988 The Psychology of Judical Sentencing. The Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1988 Battered Woman Syndrome as a Criminal Defense. The Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1988 The Relationship Between Cognitive Style and Defensive Process in the Psychopath. Criminal Justice and Behavior
- 1987 Prediction of violence in outpatient psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy
- 1987 The Lust to Kill: A Feminist Investigation of Sexual Murder. The Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1987 Understanding and Treating the Psychopath. The Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1986 Rapid Classification of the Functionally Psychotic Individual in Custody. Criminal Justice and Behavior
- 1986 On the Relationship Between Primary Process and Thought Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis
- 1986 Narcissistic Psychopathology and the Clergy. Pastoral Psychology
- 1985 The fitness interview test: A method for examining fitness to stand trial. The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- 1985 Inpatient psychiatric treatment in a county jail. Journal of Psychiatry & Law
- 1985 Concept and percept formation in object relations theory. Psychoanalytic Psychology
- 1984 Thought organization and primary process in the parents of schizophrenics. British Journal of Medical Psychology