1. 2025 Pioneering Artificial Intelligence Integration Into Forensic Risk Assessment: Applying ChatGPT-4o to the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol–18 (TRAP-18) Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  2. 2025 Going Dark Redux: The 2018 Capital Gazette Mass Murder.  Journal of Threat Assessment and Management


  1. 2024 The Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Terrorism and Terrorist Behavior. Matthew Yalch, Max Taylor, Lisa Brown, Ariel Merari, & Bruce Bongar, Eds., Oxford University Press.
  2. 2024 Allwinn, M., King, S., Tultschinetski, S., & Görgen, T. (2024). Preattack warning behaviors in the digital space: A case study of a fame-seeking rampage shooter.  Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  3. J. Holzer, J.R. Meloy, E. Corner & E. Drogan, eds. (in press). Mental Health Aspects of High Threat Groups: Extreme Overvalued Beliefs and Targeted Violence. Oxford University Press.
  4. J. Holzer, J.R. Meloy, E. Corner & E. Drogan, eds. (in press). Mental Health Aspects of High Threat Groups: Stochastic Terrorism and the Authoritarian Mindset. Oxford University Press.
  5. 2024 Etaywe, A., Macfarlane, K. & Alazab M. (2024) A Cyberterrorist Behind the Keyboard.  An Automated Text Analysis for Psycholinguistic Profiling and Threat Assessment Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict
  6. 2024 Allely, C. S., Scheithauer, H., & Langman, P. (2024). Case analysis: Application of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol–18 to the perpetrator of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management. Advance online publication.
  7. 2024 Gaetano (Joe) Ilardia, Debra Smith, Chris Winter and Ramón Spaaij. The 2019 Christchurch terror attack: an assessment of proximal warning behaviors Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression
  8. 2024 Rousseau, C., Johnson-Lafleur, J., Ngov, C., La Rochelle, X., Brouillette-Alarie, S., Gignac, M., Veissière, S., & Crocker, A. (2024). Risk assessment challenges in a specialized clinic for individuals referred for violent extremism. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 11(2), 67–82.


  1. 2023 The Concept of Last Resort in Threat Assessment Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  2. 2023 Going Dark: The Inverse Relationship between Online and On-the-Ground Pre-offence Behaviours in Targeted Attackers The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)
  3. 2023 (Vereitelte) Taten Durch Sog.  Reichsburger – Warnsignale Anhand der TRAP-18 und Erkenntnisse fur die Pravention. Polizei & Wissenschaft
  4. 2023 The Application of the Path to Intended Violence Model and the TRAP-18 in the Case of the Christchurch Mosque Shooter The Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  5. 2023 The Hanau Terror Attack: Unraveling the Dynamics of Mental Disorder and Extremist Beliefs Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  6. 2023 Studying mass shooters’ words: Warning behavior before attacks Journal of Threat Assessment and Management


  1. 2022 Meloy, J.R. & Holzer, J.  Threat assessment: TRAP-18 and application to a lone actor terrorism incident.  In: Holzer et al., eds., Lone-Actor Terrorism: An Integrated FrameworkOxford Univ Press.
  2. 2022 Vargen, L. M., & Challacombe, D. J. (2023). Violence risk assessment of Sovereign Citizens: An exploratory examination of the HCR-20 Version 3 and the TRAP-18. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1–23.
  3. 2022 The January 6th insurrection at the U.S. capitol: What the TRAP-18 can tell us about participants. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  4. 2022 The feasibility and utility of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18): A review and recommendations.  Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  5. 2022 The Contagion and Copycat Effect in Transnational Far-right Terrorism: An Analysis of Language Evidence Perspectives on Terrorism
  6. 2022 Envy and Extreme Violence International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
  7. 2022 Application of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) to the case of the Army-Navy recruiting center attacker in Little Rock, Arkansas Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 


  1. 2021 A Review of Risk Assessment Tools and Risk Factors Relevant to Terrorism and Radicalisation. Risk Management Authority Report
  2. 2021 Using the TRAP-18 to identify an Incel lone-actor terrorist.  Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  3. 2021 The Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol-18 (TRAP-18) in Australia: face validity, content validity, and utility in the Australian context Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
  4. 2021 TRAP-18 Indicators Validated Through the Forensic Linguistic Analysis of Targeted Violence Manifestos Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  5. 2021 Troubled Waters: Domestic Terrorism Threat in the U.S. Coast Guard and the TRAP-18  Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  6. 2021 Stochastic Terrorism: A Linguistic and Psychological Analysis Perspectives on Terrorism, Volume 15, Issue 5
  7. 2021 Time Sequencing the TRAP-18 Indicators Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  8. 2021 DSM-5 cultural and personality assessment of extreme overvalued beliefs Aggression and Violent Behavior


  1. 2020 Islamist Terrorists in Germany and Their Warning Behaviors: A Comparative Assessment of Attackers and Other Convicts Using the TRAP-18 Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  2. 2020 Cognitive-affective drivers of fixation in threat assessment Behavioral Sciences & the Law
  3. 2020 Extreme Overvalued Beliefs American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
  4. 2020 Assessing the threat of lone-actor terrorism: the reliability and validity of the TRAP-18 Forens Psychiatr Psychol Kriminol


  1. 2019 Forensic-psychiatric assessment of the risk of terrorist radicalisation in the mentally ill patient | Valoración psiquiátrico-forense del riesgo de radicalización terrorista en el enfermo mental Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine
  2. 2019 Application of the TRAP-18 Framework to U.S. and Western European Lone Actor Terrorists Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
  3. 2019 Visualizing the relationship among indicators for lone actor terrorist attacks: Multidimensional scaling and the TRAP-18 Behavioral Sciences and the Law
  4. 2019 German Mass Murderers and Their Proximal Warning Behaviors Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  5. 2019 Some TRAP-18 Indicators Discriminate Between Terrorist Attackers and Other Subjects of National Security Concern Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  6. 2019 The Tamerlan Tsarnaev Case: The Nexus of Psychopathology and Ideology in a Lone Actor Terrorist Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  7. 2019 Extreme Overvalued Belief and the Legacy of Carl Wernicke Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law


  1. 2018 Prisoners with Islamist Relations: Are Prisoner Files a Valuable Data Source for Individual Assessment and for Research? International Journal of Developmental Science
  2. 2018 Postdicting Violence With Sovereign Citizen Actors: An Exploratory Test of the TRAP-18 Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  3. 2018 The Operational Development and Empirical Testing of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) Journal of Personality Assessment
  4. 2018 The Swedish School Attack in Trollhattan.  Journal of Forensic Sciences
  5. 2018 Sexual Desire, Violent Death, and the True Believer. Contemporary Psychoanalysis


  1. 2017 Jihad Against the Enemies of Allah: The Berlin Christmas Market Attack from a Threat Assessment Perspective Violence and Gender
  2. 2017 Lone-actor Terrorism and Impulsivity Journal of Forensic Sciences


  1. 2016 The Clinical Threat Assessment of the Lone-Actor Terrorist Psychiatric Clinics of North America
  2. 2016 The Lone-Actor Terrorist and the TRAP-18. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  3. 2016 Identifying Warning Behaviors of the Individual Terrorist. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin


  1. 2015 The Concept of Identification in Threat Assessment. Behavioral Sciences and the Law
  2. 2015 The Frankfurt Airport Attack: A Case Study on the Radicalization of a Lone-Actor Terrorist. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  3. 2015 Investigating the Individual Terrorist in Europe. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  4. 2015 The Warning Behaviors of Anders Breivik. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management


  1. 2014 Some Warning Behaviors Discriminate Between School Shooters and Other Students of Concern. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
  2. 2014 The Violent True Believer as a “Lone Wolf” – Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Terrorism.  Behavioral Sciences and the Law


  1. 2012 The Role of Warning Behaviors in Threat Assessment: An Exploration and Suggested Typology. Behavioral Sciences and the Law


  1. 2011 Violent True Believers. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
  2. 2011 The Concept of Leakage in Threat Assessment.  Behavioral Sciences and the Law
  3. 2011 Attacks on German Public Figures, 1968-2004: Warning Behaviors, Potentially Lethal and Non-lethal Acts, Psychiatric Status, and Motivations. Behavioral Sciences and the Law